Read About Stereotyping
We have the power to change the messaging.
Read About Magnifying
If science shows it's both nature and nurture at work, why then do we hear so often that differences are innate?
Read About Implicit Bias
Our biases are largely unconscious and many of us would be mortified if we were more aware of how we employ them.
Read About Nature vs Nurture
Science widely demonstrates that it is nature AND nurture – biological AND social processes — that create differences among the sexes.
Equal Parenting

Science widely demonstrates that it is nature AND nurture – biological AND social processes — that create differences among the sexes. In other words, our social, cultural world heavily interacts with our genes and hormones to magnify differences between boys and girls.
In fact, boys’ and girls’ brains are remarkably alike. But small differences at birth become amplified over time, as we — parents, teachers, peers, the culture — unwittingly reinforce gender stereotypes.